NASA, Da Vinci and The Moon

Leonardo da Vinci was very interested in the Moon. He studied it closely, and made many scientific notes and drawings. In 1994, Bill Gates paid 30 million dollars for da Vinci’s Notebooks, now known as the Codex Leicester. They cover fossils and water as well as the Moon. So if the books are under the control of the elites, I wonder why they are so important?

Da Vinci worked out that the shine on the dark bit of the Moon when the Moon is a crescent is actually sunlight reflecting off Earth up to the Moon. He didn’t need to go to the Moon to do this. He didn’t need the technology that NASA have. He just studied things very very carefully. And any one of us can do the same.

Water on the Moon?..
Back in the 15th century, da Vinci believed the Moon had a lot of water. He was a very skilled artist, and would have had a good understanding of light reflection properties, which is how he worked it out. I also think this is a definite possibility, based on my own observations, as the Moon often looks and behaves like a circular cloud. In the daytime sky, it is only its fixed shape and fixed orbit that distinguishes it from a cloud.

There are Seas on the Moon…

There are places on the Moon named things like The Sea of Tranquility. And there are shores too! But in 2005, NASA said as absolute fact that these are actually made of hardened lava, even though they are called “sea”. A slightly misleading name then.

Moon Missions…
The early Moon missions, in the 60s and 70s, “prove” that there is no water on the Moon. However, the proof is only valid if you believe the missions went to the Moon, and I am not convinced. Especially as the rocks brought back were identified as Earth rocks. People have gone to great lengths to explain how the Moon rocks came to be the same as Earth rocks, missing out the most obvious explanation that the rocks might actually be from Earth! The Moon missions are very handy for proving or disproving things about the Moon, and controlling public information about the Moon.

What do NASA think of da Vinci?…

In 2005, they KNEW he was wrong about the water on the Moon. They like to make out he was in fantasy land, and downplay most of his work. Here is an extract from NASA in 2005, about da Vinci’s scientific work… “Wild imagination was one thing Leonardo had in abundance. His notebooks are filled with sketches of flying machines, army tanks, scuba gear and other fantastic devices centuries ahead of their time. He even designed a robot: an armored knight that could sit up, wave its arms, and move its head while opening and closing an anatomically correct jaw”.

Was da Vinci very clever?…
Well I think he was, but maybe he also somehow had access to the past or future if he was able to design flying machines, army tanks, and scuba gear. Or are history books misleading us about what was around in the 15th century, when da Vinci lived? Whatever the answer, it doesn’t matter. It seems pretty clear that da Vinci knew a lot, and NASA do not want us to know what da Vinci knew.

NASA have changed their minds…
NASA now state as absolute fact that they KNOW for sure there is water on the moon. Their recent unmanned space missions in 2009 “prove” it. I don’t trust NASA to tell the truth, and they are annoyingly arrogant considering they have a history of giving us false information.

Why have NASA changed their minds?…
I can only guess. Possibly they want us to know that the Moon can be colonised, after all. Possibly people were getting too close to the truth, so they had to announce it before too many people found out. I would not be surprised if the Moon is already colonised, and they now need to make sure public information catches up with the facts, so that they can do things more publicly, or on a larger scale than before.

The Mona Lisa…
I have been wondering about the Mona Lisa painting for a while, and what knowledge it contains. Mona is an old word for Moon. Lisa means “consecrated to God”. The Mona Lisa hangs in The Louvre in Paris. It is hung so that it is very difficult to study, because you can only see it through glass, head on, not to the side, and looking slightly up! It is an interesting coincidence that da Vinci was so interested in the Moon, and his most famous work is also named after the Moon.

(See earlier posts: Shooting the Moon, Moon Ramblings, More Moon Ramblings, Jesus, da Vinci and Chakra)

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2 Responses to NASA, Da Vinci and The Moon

  1. george silver says:

    Do things exist because they exist or do they exist because we think of them?
    Would the Moon be there if there was nobody to observe it?

  2. suliwebster says:

    Well I have been thinking along those lines quite a lot recently. How are particles and cells all held together to make a form? It seems to me there is a within force and a without force holding a thing together. And if the without force collapsed, say with us not actually seeing the Moon, then would the within force be strong enough on its own?
    I like the expression “to hold yourself together” when applied to us humans. When I am holding myself together less, it almost feels as if my physical boundaries are blurring. And when I hold myself together a lot, say for a day at work, I feel more rigid. So I guess if you were really skilled (I’m not), and hadn’t been indoctrinated with a lot of false stuff from birth like most of us have, you might be able to control your own form, using the power of your thought. Similarly you could influence other people’s form using your thought. I sometimes wonder if this happens when children are growing and they grow into their parents projections for them. This would also account for human shape shifting.
    An object only exists because the particles within it and surrounding it behave according to the rules of that object. If we had a few maverick thought particles butting in and interfering, what would happen?
    I think the explanations are probably in Quantum Physics somewhere, but it is nice to make little day to day observations that sit alongside the science.

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