The Last Post

About two years ago, I said I would “finish” this blog. But no matter how many posts I write up, the pile of unwritten posts annoyingly never goes down. There is always about 100 left to write. The more I write and explore, the more keep coming to my mind.

So I am going to STOP. The unwritten stuff will go in the bin. And my mind will be freed up of its incessant whirring and writing (I hope).

It’s time for me to practise what I preach, be the change I want to see in the world, and disconnect from the internet. Or at least be on it a lot lot less. One day I hope to completely disconnect.

Giving up my blog feels like when I slowly gave up alcohol. Sometimes I think, “maybe just one more post…”. (like “just one more drink”). I am now able to throw away my notes instead of clinging onto them as valuable, just as I once became able to throw away a half drunk bottle of unwanted wine down the sink, thereby devaluing it. The supply of material to write about is as endless as the supply of alcohol in the shops.

It’s a reminder for me that literacy is a cultural addiction too, force fed to children from young, used to numb and dumb us, and control us.

Thanks to all those who have shared the journey over the last 6 years since I began. Having companions along the way, albeit electronic ones, has helped me stay sane in this mad world… it is probably why we are all driven online in the first place.

Nothing is proven, nothing is certain. Even some things I once wrote myself I am now not so sure about. It is all a journey of exploration.

The blog will remain open for comments for the time being, and I will attend to them as and when I can.


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The Paper Person

I write this post in honour of my father who died some months ago.

In the process of accompanying him to death’s door, and laying him to rest, I have found that there are three parts to a British person…

There is the spirit, that leaves the body in the moment of death. Body and spirit are separated like a divorce.

Then there is the body that is left behind. The corpse. Those relatives that are left behind dispose of the corpse via the public ceremony of the funeral, complete with its fixed time and date. That takes a few weeks. The coffin is usually made of wood, dead wood.

And thirdly, there is the Paper Person, which drags on and on and on for months, sometimes years, before it is finally killed off.

For some time after you die, your Paper Person continues to exist, even carrying out paper transactions in your name. Letters arrive addressed to the Paper Person long after you are dead.

An executor, or executioner, is appointed at your death, their task is to slowly kill off the paper person. This involves a huge mountain of paperwork.

I have been gravely buried under this paperwork for several months, and I am starting to feel quite corpse like myself, trapped in a paper coffin. I struggle to remember who my dad really was, his true spirit or nature is disguised by the larger-than-life Paper Person. I go out in the garden or look at a picture of him to bring back memories of his spirit.

Paper is cut into straight lines, using a GUILLOTINE, the same device that once executed real people, guilty ones, by chopping off their heads. OFF WITH HER HEAD !

I have come to wonder if my Dad’s life, as well as his death, was buried under his Paper Person, and how much the Paper Person crushed his spirit whilst he was alive, as it crushes my spirit now.

My father spent his whole life taking care of all the paperwork for the family, so the rest of us didn’t have to, and could live without worry, shored up, insured, by paper. If anything went wrong, there was a piece of paper to take care of it, the Paper Person comes to the rescue. But what was the price to pay for all this payper ? Pay per person….

My mother is left a widow, shored up by paper, secure in her home, but a future ahead alone, wondering why her marriage was not happier than it was. Could paper be to blame ?

Everything is future proofed by paper !!! Everything. We need paper to make sure we have a future, we have pieces of paper for peace of mind, pieces of paper that claim to allay our fears of what is to come. Paper to prove we own things and have rights ro them, property rights, proprietary rights, all Right and Peoper.

It’s all foolproof.

Paper fools us and makes fools of us.

A paper life is a life of mind over spirit, mind over matter.

I have almost rebuilt a new paper person from the guillotined pieces of my dad’s paper person. It has been rebuilt in the name of my Mother, who now has a much bigger and more powerful Paper Person than the one she had before.

It has made me more determined than ever to reduce my own Paper Person. Not just to save my children from the task of executing it, but also to save myself from living under it’s ruled lines while I am alive.

The Paper Person is our script that we follow, our instructions, our boss. It weighs us down like a paper weight. How could paper be so heavy ?

We all have a Paper Person, brought to life by the Birth Certificate. As a newborn baby, you are signed over to the State, so that you can receive the benefits of the club, free hospital care, free schooling, somewhere to live, food etc, etc, none of which is possible in England without a Paper Person. Even gypsies and homeless get allocated paper personas, if they do not have one.

One day not far off, the entire paper person will be converted to electronic form, and the job of executor or executioner will be much quicker. We will be promised a much simpler and better system for executing the Paper Person. No more form filling, just a click of a button by an authority, such as a Judge, or a Doctor, and that will be it, probate done at electronic high speed. An electronic execution, more modern than the guillotine, it will be more like the electric chair.

They can test this new method of Paper Person electronic execution on criminals who need new identities.

Or on criminals who are not allowed any identity.

You see, if someone is a guilty one, a criminal, if they have not behaved correctly, they can be humanely killed off simply by executing their Paper Person electronically. No need to use nasty head chopping devices in our advanced humane society, and no more need for prisons ! Punishment can simply be EXCLUSION from the Paper Club. You could even execute large numbers all at once with just one click, a modern electronic massacre, maybe a whole race, electronic eugenics online. People will simply be disappeared from the Paper World. You will be excluded from everything because you do not exist on paper, therefore no access allowed.

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT means your CAPITAL LETTER Paper Person will be deleted. Off with her head ! The head is the mind, or the head office, HQ of a corporation corpse. Our heads are stuffed with Paper. No wonder they are cut off with a guillotine.

The paper person is replacing our spirit in every way. Like spirit, it is one big thing that is shared amongst us all, and connects us. We all deal with each other through paper or its electronic equivalent, by screens, by internet, by money, by letters. (as I am doing now on this blog). The one big communal Paper Person is the internet, which is a giant high speed filing cabinet. A giant office, a giant mind.

The Paper Person is controlled by Corporations, corpses, the dead. Each corporation is inhabited by real live people executing the will of the corpse, just as I am executing the will of my father after his death. The head of each corporation is the Chief Executioner, The CEO. The CEO of the world is The Papal Person, The Pope. All corpses must be disposed of on consecrated land, owned land, whose paper trail of ownership leads back to The Pope. It seems to me, The Pope must own all the Corpoarations too.

The time delay between the real person dying and the Paper Person dying leaves a very strange window of opportunity for fraud and manipulation, whereby anything can happen, and the scheming scam vultures hover overhead to try and cash in on the TIME GAP in the market. MIND THE GAP. The mined mind IS the Gap, and it is infilled with paper. Methinks that this is how corporations work too, they are somehow in the inbetween state (the E-state) whereby there is no person alive that is paired with the Paper corporation, and the corporation is in a constant state of executing the will of someone long ago buried.

I do not think we need this third person made of paper. Why can’t carry out our will whilst we are alive ? Why can’t we share out what we have whilst we are alive ? Why are we are so frightened of the future ? How were we persuaded to join the Paper Club? Who persuaded us that we need to chop down trees for our false paper security ?

Trees are alive, paper is dead. Paper is made from the corpses of slaughtered trees. Nature is our future provider, but we kill her off to make paper for peace of mind. And in the paper making process, we crush our shared spirit too.

(See also earlier posts: In Hospitable, Bits of paper, Papal Bank, Royalties, Lending library, Follow Instructions, Match Made In Heaven, Electric Fence, Creme or Cement, Matter Under Mind, Mind Control)

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Lending Library

Jesus tipped over the tables in the Temple of the Money Lenders. It must have upset things a bit, having all those neat piles of weighed out gold spilt all over the floor, along with the accounting books that keep records of who owes who, how much and when.

All that neat Roman order gone.

ORDER, we must have ORDER !

Ordering orders everyone about and tells everyone what to do.

Jesus lived in Roman Times, much like we do today, and the Romans count money in L.S.D. That’s Libra, Shilling, Dinari. LSD was the British currency until decimalisation in 1971, and the Great British pound still continues, with the ‘£’ symbol being a fancy version of the letter ‘L’. L is for Libra, the pound.

People in Britain still like to weigh things in good old fashioned pounds, a pound weight is abbreviated to “lb” or “Lb”, short for “Libra”.

Are you getting the general picture here? The picture that a library is something to do with lending money, just like a bank.

Hush, hush, keep quiet when you go into a library, just like when you go into a Church, or a Temple, or maybe even a Bank.

The Royal residences and other stately homes all have a large room reserved for the library, holding vast numbers of books. That should warn us.

Public Lending libraries are set up to make sure The Public can play this game too. It’s a mind game. On the surface, it appears that the public get something for free! Free books to borrow. Subsidised by the taxpayer, because we pay taxes to provide public services, like libraries, for free.

Loaning and borrowing are words used by bankers. In fact this is what the banking system is entirely made out of… DEBT.

If you borrow a library book, you now owe a library book to the library. You are in debt. A library book is a stack of paper, just like a stack of one pound “Libra” notes. You have to return the library book by the agreed date on your loan. If you are OVERDUE, then a “fine” is charged, the fine increasing for each day that passes. This is just like paying interest on a monetary loan. OVERDUE reminds me of the penalty inflicted on OVERDUE pregnant women, a Roman Caesarian.

If you lose or damage the book, you will get charged for the value of the whole book. And then they can re-loan the same book, now renewed, over and over again. That sounds very similar to the housing stock and mortgage system to me.

Thus all libraries, though they appear to lend things for free, will have some means to collect and count and bank money.

There is a “counter” in a library, where you do your transaction of borrowing and returning and paying. A counter for accounting. There is a friendly librarian who takes down your data details, and stamps things, and sets a return date for the loan. Nowadays there are self serve machines where you can do your transactions including paying money, they remind me of the machines in banks, the ones that sometimes say “FREE CASH”.

Usually, you will need a plastic library card to use the library, it looks like a credit or debit card. In return for the card, you will have supplied some data, such as address and date of birth, just like you do to open a bank account.

You can manage your library account online these days, incluing paying any money that is DUE, or OVERDUE.

So you can see how much money transactions are involved in this free lending system. It all needs accounting. Someone has to keep the books !

A “bookkeeper” sounds like a librarian, a keeper of books, but it is another name for an accountant. And I wonder if the very first book was actually a double entry bookkeeping system for the money lenders. The money lenders were the ones that needed to kep records, and thus they invented a method of doing so.

You see, a loan system is not an instant transaction or exchange, all done in the moment. A loan system requires a time line, a time delay, a guaranteed future. Records must be kept, and then referred back to. Otherwise we will not know who owes who what and when, will we ?

The profit is in the future, always. The profit requires a prophet and a prophesy. And the prophesy is a sort of forecasting that tells us what to do. Just like the weather forecasters cast the weather fore us. There are lots of prophets in the Bible.

The word Bible is like the French word Bibliotheque, meaning library. Bible tech, maybe. Maybe the Bible is actually a technical instrument with all the instructions for bookkeeping. Coincidentally, the Bible is laid out in DOUBLE columns, with carefully numbered ENTRIES, which reminds me of bookkeeping.

The King is in his Counting House
Counting Out His Money

The Queen is in her parlour
Eating Bread and Honey.

You can see that the King is an accountant and a Bookkeeper, and thus every Royal Palace or Temple must have a library to keep the books. The King is the chief Money Lender.

Bookkeeping is like Beekeeping, keeping the Queen Bee, and this is another profit making con… the Beekeeper STEALS the honey from the bees, just as our “honey”, or life, is stolen from us by deceit and trickery. The honey is not FREE, that is why beekeeper wears protective clothing. Honey is kept in pots of gold, just like gold. Honey comes in jars weighing 1lb. One golden pound.

The star sign of LIBRA (a Roman pound) depicts balance, usually drawn as a weighing scales. And that is because the books must be balanced. Banks have weighing scales to weigh money. The double entry system is designed to look like it is BALANCED, and therefore JUST and FAIR.

The JUSTice and Jewdiciary system is run by the same people, the Ju’s, or Jews, that run the banking, God’s chosen ones.

FAIR means FARE, like a train fare, or bus fare. Or a trade FAIR. It means trade, money, profit.

The Statue of LIBERTY represents being FREE. Just like the library lends books for FREE, just like the bank machines offer “FREE CASH” , free pounds, free £, free “libra”.

The ins and outs of Bookkeeping is an art form full of trickery.

The double entry system was created by the Medici family who ruled the city of Florence, Italy. The Medici family were a very powerful banking family, who funded Leonardi da Vinci and many other prominent artists. They supplied several Popes, and it seems they also gave their name to MEDICINE.

Schools and Universities have libraries, both are places where the young are trained to revere books, and book keeping. Children from age 4, can borrow a book from the school library, for free, in our free education system, and carry the book home every day in a little book folder (which is not free, and has to be paid for as part of the school uniform). They are not simply “allowed” to borrow a book, they have to. The training includes looking after the book, and returning it by the agreed date. It is good training for debt mentality. If you fail to return the book by the agreed date, you will be told off by the teacher as if you have committed a crime.

The Vatican has a library, and a bank. Not much jesus spirit in the Vatican, is there ? It is much more of a ROMAN CHRIST sort of place.

Ultimately, the real hidden agenda, of what is being counted and owned and loaned, is women, or to be precise, women’s holes. (Please see King Cnut). The “double entry” system starts to look like a “double entendre” for the hole. And hence the Bible is The Holy Book, complete with double entries and double entendres. (Please see Book of The Hole). It seems appropriate that Great Britain has recently put Jane Austen, a woman, on the reverse of the new ten pound (ten libra) note. Jane Austen writes BOOKS about rich people (who have libraries in their houses) and marriage (a bind, a contract, a future promise, just like money). Wikipedia notes how she links money and marriage. LIBERATED women are pleased there is finally a woman on the reverse of the money, though the Queen has been on the front for decades, and surely a woman as the Monarch is a triumph for feminism ?

I no longer borrow books from libraries. I have found it gets very stressful for several reasons. I have to take good care of the book and not lose it, or else I have to pay up. I have to SAVE THE DATE, or else I have to pay up. (I easily forget dates these days). I have to get back to the library with the book before the agreed date, or else I pay up. Thus I am tied to being in a certain place at a certain day (it is like trying to catch a plane or a bus). I have to sign up to get a plastic library ID card, which I must keep safe and produce when required.

A debt creates a relationship, a contract, a bond, a bind. Books are bound or binded to hold them together. Do you really want to be bound to these people and these ways ? The State ? The council ? The Money Lenders ? The Bookkeepers ? It’s FREE !!!!

(See also earlier posts : Jesus and the Taxes, Save the Date, The Queen’s Debt, New Roman Times, Romans Remain, Jesus or Santa, Cheap Deals, Data Money, Bits of Paper, Papal Bank, Housing, King Cnut, Book of The Hole, Bridle and Groom, Universe Cities, Royalties, The Rise of VAT, The Queen and The Pope)

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Sometimes I think I might write a book. Partly because I think I could write quite a good book. But also because at the back of my mind, I can see Royalties, pound signs pinging up in my eyes. Royalties is money for nothing. Royalties is named after the Royal family, as you will see.

Once the hard slog of writing the original book is done, and people are persuaded to buy it, then each copy sold rakes in a bit of cash. It’s like winning at the casino.

The keyword here is COPY. Coincidentally, a bit like COPULATE, but please read on.

If I just made ONE book, and it took me a year, then I would have to sell the one book I made for a very large sum to be rewarded for my labours. However, if I can make many identical copies very cheaply from the one original book, and then persuade people to buy something they don’t really need, the sums change quite radically…

I just sit back in my writer’s armchair and rake in Royalties. No more need to struggle to make ends meet, I can live like a Queen ! The law of copyright will make sure of that !

The customer is persuaded they are getting a good deal because the cheap copy is cheaper than buying an original that they cannot afford. It’s a cheap deal, and customers like cheap deals.

It looks like one of those modern win-win situations !

But it’s not. This is yet another scam scheme for some people to feed off the back of others and be protected and admired for it. These people are so admired, that others want to copy them, and sometimes want to copulate with them too.

Copyright law gives the rights of Royalties for any subsequent copies made. It is important that copyright is embedded in law and in our psyche, as you will see. It is important that we all understand that celebrities that sell us cheap copies of things are entitled to take a cut and live like Royalty. It is fundamental to the perpetuation of the monarchy and the hierarchy that we currently live under.

Even after the death of the original copyright owner or “creator”, the heirs can continue to receive Royalties. That’s inherited Royalties. The Royal family are big on inheritance. Of course you need heirs to carry on the inherited Royalties, and that is why copulating is essential.

It is not just writers and books that can get Royalties. Anything that you can make cheap copies of from the single original will do.

For example… music records, pharmaceutical drugs, films, paintings, photos, Microsoft Office software, “apps”, and probably apples too.

Royalties are a form of tax, whereby the creator of the original takes a cut, or tax, on all subsequent copies. Just like the Royal Family take taxes from the rest of us.,

You can see that with all this potential free money available, protected by copyright laws, there is a huge incentive to build machines that make cheap copies of things. It doesn’t really matter what you make, a clever bit of marketing will persuade a few key people to buy it, and before long everyone will want one.

Another way of saying “cheap copies” is “mass production”. Or “mass reproduction” perhaps, since we are reproducing a copy from the original creation.

The Printing Press was an invention that allowed people to make cheap copies of books and newspapers, especially the Bible, which everyone was persuaded they wanted.

Building a copying device requires investment up front, then an essential time delay before the rewards are reaped. Copying and Royalties is not an instant win, it is a long term gamble based on forecasting and controlling the future.

A factory is another copying device. The incentive for building a factory is to make Royalties. I quote from the reverse of the British Twenty Pound Note which features a picture of the admired Adam Smith who made it in life by cleverly making cheap copies of PINS :

“The division of labour in pin manufacturing: (and the great increase in the quantity of work that results)”.

It was a LABOUR government that put Adam Smith on the money, an appropriate place to put someone who rakes in Royalties.

A factory is FACTOR Y. It goes very neatly with X FACTOR, a British TV program which costs some investment up front to produce, but is then very cheaply copied to millions of homes around the world.

The X factor is the female X chromosome, the original X. Women have two copies of X. The Y factor is the male chromosome, men have one copy of Y.

Man is made in God’s image, or imagination, so the original Y is created by God, as an investment to eventually pay him back Royalties, protected by copyright law. Since God’s original creation of man, lots of copies of Y have been made very cheaply, using the cheap labour factory of woman’s womb. Women are always cheaper labour than men. You make copies by copulating.

The facts of life are X and Y.

To copy the Y factor, you need a wife. You need a Factor XX machine to cheaply mass reproduce the original Y copy. It sounds like a FAX machine, which makes copies, photocopies, of an original. Or a FACTS machine which copies FACTS, facts of life. FACTS are copied over and over again, until they become accepted FACT.

If you own lots of factories, you can make even more cheap copies of Y, and more Royalties to rake in. That’s what FatCats do.

It seems to me that for every Y copy made, a price is somehow paid up through the hierarchical system, each middleman taking his cut, and eventually the final cut wends its way back to God, the creator. God can rake in the Royalties and sit back in his armchair in the sky, and be admired for being so clever at dividing the labour in this way, and having made it in life.

There is a pyramid scheme going on here, a modern day scam that is not as modern as we think it is. There was only one original Printing Press to make copies, and then the Printing Press itself was copied over and over again, to multiply up the total copies, and increase Royalties. Go Forth and Multiply, says The Bible, and it might as well have said “Make More Copies”.

So it seems that the first copy of man was made through copulating to create Royalty. And Royalty has subsequently spread and colonised the world by its reproduction factory hierarchy, so that Y is now reproduced everwhere. Gosh, there are even two Y’s in Royalty, as if to show us where we are heading.

The human Printing Press prints princes and impresses empresses. The Royal Roman Empire serves God.

I am going to suggest that the original blueprint for the Y chromosome is known as the Blue Prince, the Royal boy, who was once called Adam. Blue is for boys.

There are plenty of examples of get-rich-quick pyramid schemes today. The originator gets the most profit, and then each new person that joins in the scheme feeds the one above, and takes from those below. The one at the top gets a cut from everyone in the hierarchy, every time there is a copy made. The cut is small, but if you have millions of them, it all adds up ! At each level down the hierarchy, the profit is less, but nevertheless the scheme member will continue to persuade those below to join in to make his own Royalties work.

A famous original book is Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” about the origin of the man species, and therefore the Origin of the “Y” factor. The book is about inheritance, and how species evolve through copulation and reproduction. Many copies were made, and still are, so someone somewhere is getting Royalties.

DNA is a code system that is reprinted and reproduced, copied by copulation. This is how reproduction of humans works. By COPYING.

Copy Right seems to be associated with the Y male chromosome, and I suggest that a left (or wrong) copy is a copy of the XX. The man is labelled XY, the Y is “dominant” and sits on the right.

A copywriter is someone who writes copy, writes something to be copied over and over again. You can see how right it is to write, and why we must write with our right hand. Reading and writing is what computers do well at high speed. Reading and writing is what schools train us to do. Reading and writing is turning us into machines, copying machines. To replicate and reproduce, you read in, then write out, or “print” like a computer prints prince.

For each copy that we make, we will get a cut, and those higher up the pyramid will each get a cut from our labour, because they claim copyright law. We are copying devices to reproduce cheap copies of the original, over and over again. The Royalty are the heirs that rake in the Royalties on behalf of the original Creator, God. It is why the Queen is head of the Church of England, she is the rightful inheritor of God’s Royalties.

It is the phrase on the twenty pound note that sums it up for me…

A man named Adam, named after the original man, his surname Smith, a Smithy being a forger, has created a “DIVISION OF LABOUR”. He has split us into X and Y, divided us. Divide and conquer. A brilliant creation, he is very clever, as he rakes in all his Royalties.

You can see that the word PINS or PIN IS like the male PENIS, designed for copulation and copying. (please see Just a little Prick). A pin pricks and draws blood in the same sort of way. A PEN IS designed for writing and copying, and is the main tool in a school. We are all taught how to use a pen, from very very young. COPY COPY COPY COPULATE. Reproduce Royalties. Copy the Royals.

So I probably won’t write a book, I am trying to cut down on this reading and writing thing, but find it is very ingrained in me.

(See also earlier related posts: Cheap Deals, Taxing, Jesus and The Taxes, The Queen’s Debt, Bits of Paper, Follow Instructions, Face The Front, Growing Money, I Want One, Just a Little Prick, Vinyl Revolution, Male Reproductive System, Family Farming, Popule Copule, Devices, Blue Genes, His Seminal Work, Time Tunnel, Mrs Warren’s Profession, Henry the Ninth)

Book: About A Boy (about a man who lives off inherited Royalties).

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The very word DONATE fills me with horror. It seems to be an instruction, not a choice, an order. We are told what to do. DONATE HERE. If you do not donate, you are socially unacceptable, unkind, uncaring, disobedient.

DONATE is usually written in CAPITAL letters, coloured RED. It demands and commands.

How has DO NOT been carefully altered to DO ?

How has DONATE become compulsory ?


Donate to good causes, donate to charities. Donate all your unwanted goods for recycling. Are you a tax payer ? yes then you can donate more by signing here and the government will donate some for you too ! And then your donation gets accounted for, counted, assessed, recorded. We must keep track of who has donated, and how much.
Donate your sperm, donate your eggs. Donate your breast milk. Sperm is accounted and recorded in sperm BANKS.

Donate your blood to blood BANKS, all accounted and recorded.

Don’t you feel GOOD when you DONATE ? Donate GOODS to GOOD causes. Feel good, Do Good.

Donate your teeth to medical science, Donate your body to medical science. Donate your organs to medical science.

And now things are really ramping up in the DONATION Game…

Up til now, the official ruling in England is that body organs are donated after your death, and only if you opt-in and consent to the DONATION SCHEME, or is it SCAM ? But now the ruling has been reversed…

Theresa May, Prime Minister of the UK, recently announced that organs will automatically be taken from every dead body, UNLESS YOU SAY NO. It’s difficult to say NO in a Be Positive society. We are already used to automatic autospy whereby organs are taken out of dead bodies and then replaced. This is the next step. Theresa May announced the new rule at Harvest time, and this is all about harvesting human beings.

On the 6th October, 2 days after May’s Harvest speech, we had the blood red Harvest Moon. The speech was overshadowed in the media by the nasty black cloudy virus that she was suffering from, coughing and spluttering, she nobly self sacrificed her health for the cause and soldiered on, setting a fine leadership example of what it is to be a good self-sacrificing human being.

The new style organ donation scheme is universally welcomed as good news, because it will provide more products to consume. Our world works on shopping mentality. The law of supply and demand states that supply must meet demand for economic success. There is huge DEMAND for DONATIONS. So many people, sick people, very sick people, sick and needy people, are queuing up for new organs, but the shelves are empty and they can’t get what they want, sometimes they die before much needed help arrives. There is a product shortage in the medical industry, akin to a famine in Africa. And of course its ethically wrong to pay money for organs, so we have to rely on donations.

And now Theresa May has solved it. About time ! The British Medical Association have been DEMANDing these donations for decades !

But can you see that the new rule requires you to opt-in so that you can opt-out ? You have to join in the system in order to state that you don’t want to join in the system. You have to sign up to say that you want to drop out. Neat eh ?

You can see that our shopping habits and our bodily needs are subtly changing from food to body parts, human body parts. We already consume animal parts that are harvested, why not human parts ? Especially baby animals like lambs, and calves that are taken from their mothers and kept indoors. We don’t have to eat the body parts through our mouths to consume the products, we can consume body parts by having them placed directly inside our body through an incision made by a surgeon.

And consumption of human body parts is on the increase.

Are we turning into cannibals, or Satanists ? Whatever it is, it seems that we must stay alive at all costs, even if that cost means consuming dead people, preferably someone in your family for the best tissue match. The media like to promote a good story of survival heroes, survivors of plane crashes that eat their fellow passengers, dead or alive.

Countries that already practise compulsory organ donation find that there is a good increase in the organ harvest, which shows how many organs are stolen against people’s wishes. Personally I find this practise another one of Medical Science’s Frankenstein horror stories, a crime against natural law.

Human body organs are stolen in “other” countries, sold for profit, poor desperate people will sell their spare kidney for a fee. After all, we do have plenty of duplicate spare parts in our bodies, and it seems a bit greedy to have two when someone else has none.

Singapore and Israel (please see link below) lead the way in compulsory donation, and the whole thing came to my own attention due to someone I know that died in Greece, and the body was subsequently returned to England with all the organs missing, i.e. stolen, as is the law in Greece. It is happening already.

Donations are supposedly done for no reward. Yet there always is a reward. The reward is to be a good person, to get “brownie points” when you go to heaven, or a more “caring” label for yourself. Maybe a certificate. Sometimes you get paid expenses. Body organs have a value on the free market, that is why they get stolen.

“Reward : WANTED Dead or Alive”.

There are already BIG RED BLOOD adverts demanding that you DONATE Blood. Soon there will be matching ones for body organs. All for a good cause.

See how much programming there is… you are rewarded, the donation is demanded. The choice is being slowly eliminated. And if I were the government, I would name and shame those that REFUSE to DONATE.

Here is an existing reward mechanism for the donor scheme that I came across whilst writing this post…

If you are registered as an organ donor (donations only taken after your death of course!), you will get priority treatment if you need an organ donation when you are alive !!!! Brilliant, they have created a points system for their treatment schemes. You get a sort of Gold membership of the DONATE scheme by being good. Good as Gold. Join in the scheme and the scheme will take care of you in return. Join the Club, be a member. The scheme allows you to “buy” organs in advance by offering to “sell” your own organs after death and thereby pay off your debt at death. Though of course, we don’t really buy and sell organs, it’s unethical. This new incentive offer greatly increases the organ harvest, so it will be copied, one country and a time.

The inevitable extension of this scheme is so obvious. People will get Platinum or even Diamond membership if they donate organs while they are still alive !!!! Everyone will accumulate some
points based on the generosity levels and self-sacrifice of their DONATIONS, which are recorded on internet registers managed by governments, maybe even managed centrally by one world government, how about the World Health Organisation.

Country by country, the world is moving over to compulsory organ donation. Normal. Acceptable. You probably know someone who is grateful to a hospital and a doctor and a donor for saving their life. It’s already ingrained in our culture. It’s progress. It’s advancing the Human Race. We’re racing along, faster and faster into Organic Satanic ways.

Sacrificing a life for the cause is known as the ULTIMATE sacrifice, as soldiers nobly do in war. Double reward points!!! An even greater ultimate sacrifice will be for a mother to sacrifice the life of her own child. Triple reward points !!! We can all outdo each other and join in the competitive race spirit that is so important for the economy and the Human Race we are in. DONATE your own child, how generous and noble is that ? But it is already happening… mothers send their own sons to war, donating their live young bodies to serve the government as the government sees fit, to advance the Nation, to advance the DoNation. Mothers submit their own live children for vaccinations. The list goes on.

Another way to DONATE to the sick and needy, coming soon, probably already here somehwere in the world, will be to DONATE to the good cause of curing paedophilia. (see China Dolls). Quadruple points !!!! Donate your child, alive or dead to a paedophile. A noble donation indeed, sacrifice your child now to save some children in the future. You see there is an increasing demand here too, an increasing sickness, and a shortage of supply, empty shelves. The paedophiles are sick and needy too.

Children are already being bred for organ donation. If parents are told by a good doctor that a child needs a unique organ or tissue from a relative, there is a way to do it. You breed another child, then give parental consent for the harvesting of the second child’s organs to help out the sick elder sibling. The bred-for-purpose child is told they are being noble and good, sacrificing themselves for a good cause.

Children are trained to donate teeth to the tooth fairy, who comes into their bedroom at night whilst they sleep, like Santa Nic, the fairy takes a body part (the tooth) and leaves a coin as payment.

For extra points, why not breed a second child to help cure your older child of paedophilia ? (Please see China Dolls). Donate the whole child, the hole of the child. It is the hole that Santa Nic comes to collect at night, we are training our children through Santa symbolism with what they are expected to donate in return for toys. Be good for Santa, DONATE.

You can see how all this is another version of the Gates of Heaven scam scheme. If you get enough points, then St Peter (on behalf of God and the Pope) lets you through into heaven. It’s an incentive scheme to control people. To get them to be good and godly. To get them spending their whole life narrow mindedly obssessed with points, whilst missing the real point, which is to let go of the points, and stop racing against each other. The human race races to get points.

Children are trained from young to operate their whole world around a points system, with reward points at school. 10/10 well done ! A* grades, great that’s your admission through the pearly gates of the University, and your future rewards assured. Points are now given out at schools for behaviour as part of behaviourial control schemes. Children can spend their behaviour points at corporate shops like Argos. The points scores are kept online, to keep us in line, on track, straight lines made from joining up lots of points. Children are encouraged to save the planet and do good in the world.

Everyone is going around collecting and spending points. It is part of the permanent background conversation around me. How many conversations do you have with people about collecting and spending points. Money is just another points system, a reward system. Loyalty cards, Calorie counters, water meters, air miles, phone minutes, blood sugar levels, time appointments, The Olympic Games, the Eurovision Song Contest, Points points points. How much do you care about points. How much do you think about points ?

The book “Never Let Me Go”, is about humans purpose bred for organ donation. The author has been awarded, rewarded, a Nobel noble prize, on the 5th October 2017, the day after Theresa May’s Harvest organ speech.

The Harvest festival is celebrated in Church, people make food donations for the cause, which are sent to solve famines in Africa. The playing of an ORGAN accompanies the HYMNs. The Church ORGAN has a set of pipes which are erect phallic pointy objects, pointing to heaven. The hymn is the HYMEN, and the favourite harvest hymn is “We plough the fields and scatter”. (Please see Long To Rain Over Us).

What’s the point of life, some people ask ? Is it collecting points ?

It seems that the ultimate POINT is the pointy phallic ORGAN that accompanies the HYMEN that is broken. The point seems to be to break the hymen. And maybe the ultimate sacrifice for maximum points, is to donate your daughters to open up and be broken into, and donate your sons to commit the break in. That’s when you score the most points, boys and girls.

DONATE A KIDNEY, you only need one.
DONATE A KID, you only need one. You can always make or buy another one.

In some countries, people are so desperate that they are indeed selling their children in exchange for points known as money. It is a calculation to sacrifice one thing in the present for the promise of something better in the future.

It is already an opt-in option in the UK to donate YOUR WHOLE BODY, in advance, (advance being what we do in war) to the government after your death for the good cause of medical science. Your body is unwanted goods after death, that can be recycled for a good cause. DONATE.

So why not donate a WHOLE BODY whilst alive ? Children will nobly offer themselves up for sacrifice, donating their whole live body towards the good cause, whatever medical science thinks is most useful to make advances that will benefit the whole of humanity. These sacrifices will be broadcast around the world in such a way that the noble and suffering child will be admired and approved of.

The best and most convenient place for you to die is a hospital, with all the equipment and surgeons on standby like vultures circling overhead, ready to R.I.P. out your organs for the harvest. The best and most convenient place for you to donate a live organ is a hospital. But maybe they will send out fully equiped donor collection vans to load up bags of bodies and body parts in labelled body bags.

Assumed consent for body parts is leading us, step by step, to assumed consent for everything. Everything is up for grabs as a donation. All your body parts, dead or alive. All your body parts, including the holes.

A donation should be something freely given, it has been turned into something freely taken. Taken for granted. Granted a license, granted a license to take.

I could go on, the subject seems endless, and I haven’t even mentioned the sick and needy necrophiles. But I will stop for now.

(See earlier related posts: In Hospitable, I Don’t like Mondays, Sent Down, Demand and Supply, Inheritance of Paedophilia, China Dolls, Body Chopping, Santa Nic, Bits of Paper, Long to Rain Over Us, Age of No Consent, Grande Danger, The Book of the Hole, Ab Use of Sex, Just a Game, Human Procurement Centres, Sex Therapy Trade, Joined at The Hyp, The Last Taboo, Hearts are Trumps, Creme or cement, Prudential Prude, lots of others)

Links: Magen David Adom, the Israeli Red Star of David blood donation service.

Books :
Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro
My Sister’s Keeper, Jody Picoult

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China Dolls

There is a charity to help paedophiles, called STOPSO, designed to stop sexual offences. It seems to me it is designed to stop paedophilia being an offence. Great idea, a simple way to stop sexual offences is to make sex legal, all sex, rape, paedophilia, the lot. Like most charities, STOPSO seems to help cause the very cause it claims to fix. STOPSO needs a steady supply of paedophiles to stay in business, and a growing supply in order to grow the business. They need to train more paedophiles in order to expand their work.

Here is a good method to increase paedophilia…

STOPSO says that child sex dolls are the way forward. STOPSO says that eventually we will have a more modern situation whereby a teenage boy says to his mum he is a paedophile, and the mother’s correct response and responsibility as a parent is to buy him appropriate equipment to satisfy his sexual desires. That’s part of the Good Parenting program, coming soon.

Can you see that paedophilia is being turned into just another “sexual preference” ? A consumer choice.

Possibly the child sex dolls will be available at the pharmacist on prescription. They cost thousands of pounds, but it’s cheaper for the state than keeping a paedophile in prison. Child sex dolls makes good economic business sense however you look at it.

Sex sells. Sex is always big business.

Child sex dolls are already available on the “free” market that we know as the internet. The free market is vital for the Western economy.

The child sex dolls are mostly MADE IN CHINA, sometimes another Asian country. Asian countries are already well known for their child sex trade, but I will focus on China because the population of China is huge. China has a huge supply of live child dolls, potentially very profitable exported or for home trade. China also has a huge supply of factories and factory workers ready to mass produce child sex dolls.

The explosion in demand for child sex dolls is fuelled by an explosion in supply, and vice versa. And it matches the explosion of China onto the free market.

You can buy your very own Chinese child sex doll, a real live doll or a plastic version, a doll for life… “A doll is for life, not just for Christmas”. Or there is always the PAY AS YOU GO option.

Child sex dolls come with school uniform options. Probably lots of other things too, but I do not want to look them up.

David Bowie helped things along with his song “Little China Girl”, and he is now a respected eatablishment figure, endorsed by Royalty, the Vatican, and politicians. (Please see Black Star of David). Check out the lyrics. Bowie is going to “ruin” his China Girl if she messes with him. Sounds like he owns her.

Cliff Richard helped things along with his song “Living Doll”… “I’ve got myself a crying talking, sleeping walking living doll”. Check out the lyrics, Cliff locks his Living Doll in a trunk. Sounds like he owns her.

Men in UK are currently being arrested for importing child sex dolls. Though I am not sure whether their very weak sentences are due to this, or to the discovery of child abuse images in their possession. There is no law against rape or possession of a child sex doll, or any doll, as far as I can see. The law cannot keep up with the speed of change of society. Presumably if the doll was not imported, there would be no sexual offence committed. Whatever the law currently is, our culture still holds a horror of paedophilia…..

…..But times are changing, and there are too many signs that we are being herded towards an acceptance of paedophilia as simply another sexual preference, a sexual desire that is a basic human need, a human right that must be satisfied, otherwise it is not fair on the paedophile.

These signs are all on the increase, and as always the age of exposure is getting younger. We are all participating in some way, and I include myself in the herded masses…

Cervical cancer…
Schoolgirls, age 12, are given the HPV vaccine, a little prick so that they are protected against cervical cancer caused by too much of a much bigger prick. All girls are given the vaccine regardless of their sexual activity or sexual plans. But now that girls are “protected”, they can of course indulge safely in liberated woman sex, worry free. Women are advised to have a cervical smear test every few years, an invasive cold metal object stuck up the vagina by a stranger. It is not classified as rape because of consent. You can see that as the age of consent lowers, and the age of sexual experience lowers, so will the age of the HPV vaccine and the age of cervical smears. Before long, young girls will lose their virginity to a metal cervical smear instrument in a clinical environment. This sounds like a Satanic ritual to me. Cervical smears keep you safe girls, and it is a mother’s responsibility to get her daughter vaccinated just like a mother should get her son a child sex doll. Otherwise you are a bad parent.

Breast Cancer…
The “mam” test is available to maul the breasts of women to prevent breast cancer. The real purpose it seems is to dehumanise touch, to get us all used to unpleasant prodding and meddling on our sensitive sexual parts. It’s worth it, for our own good, to keep us safe, to protect us. And eventually, as the age of breast cancer lowers, so will the age of the mam test, so that young girls have their breasts mauled routinely, donated by their own mother.

Bowel cancer…
This seems relatively new in the cancer fashion world, but it is in the Top 5 cancers. If you want to find a way to get parents to willingly and responsibly hand over their young kids for anal rape by metal instrument, well what about a routine bowel smear test, similar to the cervical smear Pap test ? It will keep us all safe. A quick internet search shows me that there is indeed a procedure already available for this, called a “colonoscopy” which goes up the rectum. Princess Diana helped things along with her much publicised Colonic Irrigation therapy. It’s healthy !

Sex education…
The age of sex education in schools is getting lower, now age 4 in the UK (Please see Capture The Kids). Sex education teaches children about paedophiles, and about the sexual choices available in our society, under the same subject heading. There is no choice to SAY NO. The child must choose at least one option. You can see that before too long paedophilia will become a sexual preference that children have rammed and prog-rammed into their brains so heavily so young, that they cannot work it out for themselves. Instead they try to do as the adults tell them to do. To please, to fit in with the society around them.

Sex toys…
Surely a child sex doll is just another form of sex toy? harmless really, doesn’t matter what people get up to in their own homes in private. Let’s compare it to the “rabbit” sex toy that liberated women use to get their fix. Is it any different ? There are loads of other sex toys that are freely available to buy on the free market. It’s just a matter of consumer choice, sexual preference, human rights, personal taste, fairness. Practising paedophiles are psychopathic treating the source of their satisfaction and gratification as an object, a toy to be played with. Toys are for kids to play with, have fun. There’s no harm in having fun, is there ? In fact, isn’t having fun the main goal of modern life ? Family fun, kids have fun. Kids play with toys, kids are the toys, sex is fun, playing with toys, child’s play. Children should have fun. Can you see how we are participating ? The chief toy bringer of the world is Satanic Santa. The toys are Made in China by Santa’s slaves, Santa’s elves.

People are queuing up for vaccines, old and young. It is like a conveyor belt. We are all so frightened of the future, of what might happen, that we participate in something far worse. It is only a matter of time before the queues for little pricks turn into queues for big pricks, i.e. rape by a metal object wielded by a health professional. And then we can simply join up the two converging paths…. employ paedophiles usefully in society as smear test health professionals, allowing them to fulfil their desires whilst helping care for children.

Sex trade…
The sex trade seems to be predominantly in Asia. They have different rules there, and they need the money. We can help them out by giving them jobs, and buying things from them. China sex dolls for sale. Real ones, live ones. Because once you get hooked on the slightly fake ones, you might want something better, an upgrade. Dating agencies are part of the sex trade too, they make money by selling sex. Different sorts of dating agencies for young people, old people, gay people, disabled people, paedophiles, which group are you in ? See how easily the everyday person is sucked into participating ? Famous people like Angelina and Princess Kate, have playdates for their children, so there will soon be dating agencies for children to meet up for fun and play and toys, with maybe some government sex ed too.

Our world is becoming untouchable. Hospitals use rubber gloves, rubber mats. Condoms rubberise the most sensitive contact point of the body. Babies are strapped in to things and looked at, given plastic toys to play with, and rarely touched. The internet gets us used to touching plastic and glass as our way to Keep In Touch. You can practise mouth to mouth resuscitaion, a kiss, on a full size doll, maybe they have some child size ones available too. This is done by training paramedics, people who save lives, you can see how acceptable it all is, already.

Buying babies…
It is now acceptable to buy babies from other countries to rear as your own. Lots of famous people do it. Only one more step and we will think it acceptable to buy a baby for sex, either baby sex or to rear fit for purpose, it helps out poor countries by giving them much needed money. The babies usually come from Asia or Eastern Europe. Dogs and other pets have been bought and sold acceptably for a long time. A Child Sex Doll is a sort of pet, isn’t it? Just a pet, cared for by its owner.

An finally, where do all these converging paths lead us to ?….
…I think we are being herded towards Rome and the Vatican which is somehow at the centre of the murky web of paedophilia. The Roman Catholic centre. The internet hub of free trade means free market sex. The ultimate Roman practise is paedophilia. A quick internet search shows me that “The Pope loves China and loves the people of China”. (see link below). The cervical smear test is a “Pap” test. Vatican Nation looks like vaccination to me.

All roads lead to Rome, the Roman way of life. Therefore, you can leave Rome by taking any of these roads and going the opposite way.

(See also earlier related posts : Pleading Guilty, Capture the Kids, Just a Little Prick, Normalising Paedophila, Mrs Warren’s Profession, Age of No Consent, Papal Bully, Popule Copule, The Paedophile Agenda, The Homosexual Agenda, Centre for Exploiting Missing Children, Internet Images, Premie Babies, Babies for Sale, Sex Therapy Trade, Invasion of the Telescreens, Stop Watching, The Pope and The Queen, Moving The Spotlight, Black Star of David, Puppies for Sale, Grande Danger, Custom of Excision, How Do You Know You’ve Got Cancer, Romans Remain, others I can’t remember at the moment)

Links: (Pope with a live Asian doll who looks unwilling).

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Free Energy !

Tired ? Exhausted ? Drained ? Need an energy boost ? Can’t keep up with modern life energy demands ? Demands on your energy bill for more money ? Demands to use less energy, to save energy, at the same time as being told to go faster to grow the economy ? It’s all Go Go Go !!!

Everyone wants an energy boost, it seems, and luckily lots of stuff is available on the market to help us get more energy than our fair share. It is a way of stealing energy from elsewhere, but it is considered fair trade because we buy it with money. People want energy boosts for their home and for their own bodies. Although we are constantly consuming more and more energy, we never seem to have enough.

You can buy protein energy drinks, lucozade, stimulant drinks, energy food. You can buy pills and potions and vitamin fixes and drugs. You can use a car to get somewhere you cannot get to fast enough with only your own woefully inadequate body that is perpetually below energy requirements. You can let the train take the strain. And for some decades now, we have had energy piped into our homes from central resource control centres.

All this extra energy costs money, and saps energy from elsewhere. As the economy grows ever faster, and we have to keep up, we must spend more and more money on harnessing extra energy from others.

It is a conundrum, and people are constantly stressed by paying the energy bills. Bills on their home, on their car, on their food and drugs.

Of course, there is a choice and we could cut down on how much energy we decide to use. We could do less, slow down, reduce our individual energy empire to something that we have enough energy to maintain without the need for stealing extra resources from elsewhere.

But we have got used to using slaves to provide extras for us. We have got used to extracting resources from Mother Earth in a greedy and damaging way. We have got used to being on a fun and exhausting and dizzy merry-go-round, and it is easier to stay on it if only there is a way to keep going….

There is a gap in the market…

What we need is FREE ENERGY, energy that can be extracted WITHOUT HARM to meet our need to feel no guilt, and energy that costs us no money. That way we can carry on with ever increasing energy sucking devices, faster and faster, FREELY. Free from money, free from guilt. Free, Free, Free. Everyone wants stuff for free !!!

The marketplace always comes up with an answer to our prayers…

The answer is AIR. Free energy from the air to heat our homes. It is like mining the Air, instead of the Earth. Brilliant ! Seems too good to be true !

The new heat exchanger system works like a reverse fridge. That should ring alarm bells, given that the fridge is held responsible for global warming. But you can see the logic… a fridge is designed to chill, but it is simultaneously causing an equal amount of warming elsewhere. The new reverse fridge device sucks warmth from the outside to feed the inside sealed unit. The inside sealed unit is your house, with you inside. And just like fridges belch out warm air whilst chilling your food inside, the new heat exchanger will warm up the people inside the sealed unit, whilst chilling the air outside.

For free !!!!

Of course there is the cost of ripping out all the out-of-date dirty unECO gas central heating systems and chucking them in landfill, and the cost of buying the new device, but once installed, providing you keep your home sealed in all windows closed so as not to let the heat out, you will save money on your energy bill ! And your home will get a good ECO energy rating, which will increase the value of your house on the market. There are new energy ratings on houses, which makes buying a house a bit like buying a fridge. Houses are starting to look and sound like reverse fridges. With packets of warm supermarket people stored on shelves inside.

There is also the small cost of running the electric powered heat exchanger, which is always ON, just like a fridge, permanently consuming, permanently being noisy. But that’s a really small cost, honestly.

ECO means the illusion of saving money whilst growing the ECOnomy. Like the fridges, houses that no longer pass ECO laws are being dumped on landfill and replaced with modern versions made in slave factories by materials mined from the Earth, and transported in carbon belching container ships.

The male elements of Air and Fire (Fire is warmth and energy) are being mined. We have already caused mass destruction mining Mother Earth and Water, the female elements. This is a different sort of attack, one to deplete and unbalance male energy.

Before long, we will find our Air and Warmth as messed up as our Earth and Water, and maybe the strange hot cold patchy weather that we have experienced in England for the last few years is a sign that this is already happening.

The “Energy Saving Trust” is named to sound trustworthy, charitable, good, and vaguely environmentally friendly. This is the kind of branding that is now in demand, that sells well, that is profitable, that meets the new Eco laws. Profit is prophet, based on future promises of a better world for everyone. Energy Saving Trust has a trusty board of trustees that sound like they know what they are doing corporatively, experienced in selling, branding, profiteering. Experienced in telling people they need something they don’t.

In the UK, Government grants are available to install the new gadget, so that tax payers money can be invisibly laundered into the pockets of corporations like Energy Saving Trust. All good and well behaved people these days will be “saving” energy, (and saving money), whilst actually spending more energy and spending more money. You will be criminalised if you do not. The ECONOMY must be saved.

Any existing devices that use the unECO disapproved of fuels, such as old oil, petrol, diesel, gas, will become illegal to grow the new ECO market. Your existing devices will be OUT OF DATE. Keep up, Keep Up To Date, or you too will be deemed illegal and out of date and disapproved of, and disposed of. All unECO devices will be dumped on landfill, and the economy can be rapidly grown as everyone works faster and faster towards replacing their old devices with new ECO ones, so ECOnomical.

Tyred and Exhausted ? I am, just thinking about it. Tyres and Exhausts are components that are made in slave factories, and eventually dumped in landfill, just like the cars that they belong to. Coincidentally, an exhaust is an air pipe just like the new air pipe being introduced on our homes. There are ECO cars available with energy ratings, which save you money on your license, and on your fuel, and are approved of. And you can see that all everyone is driven to care about is saving money, to make ends meet, whilst avoiding disapproval, and also saving their existing high energy lifestyle. The same Roman lifestyle, but cheaper.

The free air energy will not be free for long. The “free” water piped into our homes was not free for long, was it ? Sooner or later, we will realise the destruction caused by mining the Air, and then our guilt will belatedly kick in. And sooner or later, once every house has an air sucking input pipe installed, it will be a very simple step to make a new law that monitors, meters, and charges, for the Air and Warmth that we take in. That’s only fair, isn’t it ? Fair Trade. A new utility bill is due, this time for Air.

And then, in order to save money from the comfort of your own sealed unit, you will have to breathe less. I personally find it hard to breathe in sealed indoor places, perhaps an instinctive reaction to the limited air available.

I think we would be a lot less tired and exhausted if we had undamaged AIR, and if we stopped using up so much energy damaging it. We are all participating in air destruction… the internet and transport systems are both part of this. If you really don’t like the way things are going, it seems to me that the only correct action is to participate less.

The Eco Air Con is well under way. We are losing our connection to our natural air, our Father Nature.


(See also earlier posts: Get Fit, Keep Up To Date, Magnetic Money, Driving, Cloud and Screens, Amazing Grace, Solar Saviour, The Saviour Within, Is It Worth It?, Tree-Fi, Unfair Trade, Food and Drugs, Devices, Cheap Deals, Comfort of Your Own Home, Every Breath You Take, Carbon Currency, George Engineering, Demand and Supply, The Swede Borg, probably others… )

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Prudential Prude

A “prude” is someone who is sexually shy or afraid, a “killjoy” a “prig”, a “puritan”, “not forthcoming romantically” etc etc. It is a derogatory word usually applied to a woman who is in some way saying NO to playing the Sex Game, not joining in, or offended or shocked by it. A “prude” is deemed to have a “problem” in our Sex Cult. I am becoming more prudish all the time.

A prostitute is the very opposite of prude.

A liberated woman is a prostitute that is free, costs no money. Liberated means free, in the same way that libraries are liberated because they lend books for free, and thus the books can be used over and over again by many people, getting more worn and tatty all the time.

To be “prudential” is to be careful with money, modest with money, a money prude. As always, money and sex are horribly intertwined.

The word “prude” comes from the Old French word meaning proud. A proud woman holds her head up high and is proud to preserve her inner sanctuary, her womb and its sacred passageway, and to not let any old Tom Dick or Harry into it. Coincidentally, gay men and women are “proud” too. There is a movement labelled “Gay Pride”, as if they are collectively proud that the sacred female womb space is always preserved, protected from invasion.

Victorian women are considered prudish, but there was no contraception available in those days, other than abstinence or “the withdrawal method”. “Withdrawal from sex” describes a prude. Victorian women could Say NO to sex on financial grounds, because they could not afford another mouth to feed. It was prudential to not have sex, it saved money. “I am not a prude, I am just being prudential”. Being prudential is acceptable, being prudish is unacceptable. Saying No to Sex due to financial reasons is not quite the same as being a “proud” woman, you can see that money was already the main influence over whether or not a woman said No, or was allowed to say No, and the proud protectiveness had probably already gone out the window, even back then.

Of course, the Victorian man could overide his chattel of a wife, the wife that he owned, that he had bought with money as his free wife to use forever like free wifi. So the woman could be fat with child, fearing how to make ends meet, with another mouth to feed on the way.

However, there are many different ways to be prudential. Aborting the baby is prudential. It saves money.

When “prude” becomes replaced by its money counterpart “prudential”, anything can happen. Our original morals and values go out the window, and money starts to make the decisions.

To “tighten your belt” is an expression for being careful with money, prudential. It is something we are all instructed to do in an economic recession. I am looking at the words, and they are looking back at me and clearly saying that belt tightening is an abortion method.

The Masonic Belt is my own terminology for the Belt I see everywhere. Look at the Coat of Arms for England, and there it is, forming a CAPITAL “Q” shape around the central shield. Q is for “Queen” and Qunt. A belt was once a tool for whipping, especially whipping children. A belt holds up the trousers of the one in charge, the person who “wears the trousers”. A belt is fastened in place by a hard metal spike that penetrates a soft skin hole in the leather, mimicing the sexual act. To “belt” someone is to beat them. “Belt up” means “Shut up”. Belt up your wife, and that should shut up the baby. To “belt up” in modern day life, means to strap babies into chairs, cars, etc etc, or to belt up adults in cars, a nice waist strap across that pregnant womb should do the trick.

Belting up keeps us “safe and secure” we are told. If you want to be prudential, you keep your money secure in a “safe” or in “securities”. Shut up keep safe.

A proud prude woman will shut up her access to her womb, keep it safe.

A man in times gone by, might put a chastity belt on his wife to lock her up safe and secure. The chastity belt has the added advantage of aborting any unwanted babies by tightening round an expanding waist. They were made of metal. A chastity belt was therefore a good financial investment as it would save mouths to feed. A chaste woman is a prudish woman.

Women used to faint from overly tight corsetry, corsetry designed to create small waists, waists that a baby could not possibly survive in. Nowadays, we have lycra and moulded underwear, tight bras, and flat pack tummies as desirable. That is because we must enter into the Sex Game and not be a prude. Show everyone how willing you are to tighten your belt and be prudential.

I remember David Cameron going on about “Less Waist” before he was elected Prime Minister. It was a time of recession when the country or cuntry was called upon to be prudential, tighten belts. This has gone hand in hand with the rise to fame of a very flat tummied Queen to Be, Princess Kate. It has also gone hand in hand with an attitude towards babies that says women should not have children unless they can afford them. An attitude that says babies are not welcome in the world. An attitude that is creeping towards a One Child Family policy, and then if you only have one child, you will want to get the design absolutely right. Designer babies will be in demand. And abortion will be in demand too.

You can see that Too Much Waste is something that we don’t want, a problem to get rid of, and so is Too Much Waist, which is a woman fat with child. It is quite normal in our times for men to insist on abortions, and for women to want abortions so their life is not ruined by another mouth to feed, and therefore more money to find to pay for it.

Of course, prostitution is a good option for women who want to get money to pay for their extra mouths to feed, either by selling yourself on the High Street, or selling yourself to marriage.

You can see that the rise in consumerism and its attendant waste has gone hand in hand with the rise in free sex, sexual freedom, the waste of life in abortion, and the corresponding demise of the prude.

The modern day media attack on fat people, or obesity, is another version of prudence, and tightening of belts. Mass consumerism, mass sex, leads to unwanted waist and unwanted waste. The evidence is clear before us, hanging at the waist.

The Prudential is a large financial services corporation that specialises in life insurance policies. Which fits in neatly with how being a prude is about being careful about creating new life. Prudential Insurance is about swapping money for life. And that is what we have done over the years. We have swapped our life for money. We have swapped prude for prudential. It is considered prudential to have life insurance. But to be a prude is to protect the sanctity of life, and to keep the creation of life something special.

You can also swap life for money by selling your unwanted baby, as Asian babies are bought, “adopted”, by rich Westerners. Or by breeding a baby deliberately for someone else, as in surrogacy, or in “donating” eggs or sperm, in exchange for some monetary “expenses”.

But back to the “prude” with which I began. There is no place for a prude in a Sex Cult. The very fact that “prude” is a derogatory word shows how Sex Cultish our world is. Noone wants to be labelled a “prude”. But it seems to me that a simpler and much kinder way of life is for both men and women to abstain from invasive sex, with the possible exception of The Act of Creation itself. Surely the act of creation of a new life deserves to be more sacred ?

“Prudential” means being responsible with money, tightening belts when necessary. In the process of becoming “prudential”, we have lost our responsibility towards the health of the womb, and the creation of new life. To me, freedom always comes loaded with its heavy counterpart of “responsibility”. Thus sexual “freedom” must come with “responsibility” too. Sexual responsibility is in the word “prude”, something for both men and women to be proud of.

(See also earlier posts: Henry the Ninth, Through the Wombhole, Joined at The Hyp, Ab Use of Sex, The Lion and The Unicorn, King Cnut, Quintessentially English, Premie Babies, Babies for Sale, Get Fit, Family Farming, Paedophile Agenda, Age of Consent, Burn The Bra, lots of others…)

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Magnetic Money

Some say that money is ENERGY, something natural that we continuously spend or expend, then top up again, just carry on it helps the world ! I say otherwise, I say that money is a manipulator of energy, set up to direct the energy of others and thus the whole world.

These days spending money in leisure pleasure time (DOWN time) seems to expend as much energy as earning money in work time (top UP time). Whenever money changes hands, or changes smartphones, an agreement is made to divert energy somewhere new.

The energy is diverted against the true desire of everyone involved. If people truly desired to put their energy towards something, they would not need money to attract them into doing it. You have to use money to draw people in to get them to do something they don’t really want to do. Money is a magnet.

If you have lots of money, you are a money MAGNATE. Sounds magnetic to me.

A magnate is a “wealthy and influential businessman”, a financier, baron, tycoon, merchant prince, captain of industry, etc etc. Magnate means someone with lots of money. Lots of magnetism, lots of power to buy others, to “influence” the flow of energy. The more money you have, the more you can divert the energy of the world to fulfil your own plans. This seems a bit greedy to me.

Money comes in different forms, all electromagnetic….

…coins are made of metal, originally gold, the most electromagnetic metal of all.
…paper money has a magnetic strip, a fine piece of metal embedded into the paper. …old fashioned credit cards have a magnetic strip.
…modern plastic cards have an electronic chip.

…and the smartest money of all is the Smart Phone, highly electronic, that you can just swipe across a reader device, and money just moves magically magnetically out of the phone into the reader receiver. Have you noticed how people are magnetically attracted to their smart phones ?

Before long, you won’t need a reader to read a smartphone, you will just be able to put two smart phones together to transfer money, to make an exchange, to make an agreement, or contract. It will be like two phones kissing (Please see Smart Phoney People), in the same way that a magnetic human kiss seems to make a contract, a deal, a diversion of energy. A spark of magnetism flashes from one to another.

All currencies and currents are electromagnetic. Electricity and water are electromagnetic. They have storage banks, electric battery banks, or river banks, just like money does. Humans are electromagnetic too, we are made up of mostly water.

The most magnetic part of humans is the sexual energy. And that is why Smart Money is getting sexual and starting to kiss each other. Money buys sex. Sex is a best seller. And I think that Mary Magdalene is thus named because she is MAGnetic. The female body is a magnetic attraction.

A strip tease is a magnetic strip, just like money. It attracts in money, good money. Do women really want to put their energy into a strip tease in front of paying strangers, or are they magnetically attracted to the money ?

If we have money, then we can buy the energy of others when we find that our own energy is not enough to meet our own desires and demands for keeping up with modern lifestyles. That is the whole point of money, to buy others. To order others around, place orders online, place orders in a restaurant, click online, click your fingers and get people to do your bidding, because you have successfully bid for them with magnetic money.

It’s a feeling of power. Power is a bank of energy.

A money magnate has more power in the world than his fair share. Money is a way of making slaves appear willing, giving an illusion of fair exchange, and fair trade.

The money earn and spend cycle is set up to appear fair but it is not. It creates a middleman media that interferes with our natural human desire to exchange energies with each other, to interact, to help each other along on our journeys through life.

Money is of no use or power by itself, it is only of any value when exchanged. But when it is banked up, it has enormous potential power, just like a dam of water. And can you see that money is set up to have us always thinking ahead to the future ? There is a powerful magnetic pull into the future, because you work first, then a little later you receive money. Then your money is stored, maybe for weeks, or minutes, or years, until you spend it. No matter how small, there is always a time gap between the exchanges. So we are always looking ahead, looking forward to receiving or spending money, or to receiving things that we have already paid for. The magnetism of money creates a desire to keep going ahead along the time line. Forward thinking. Advance !

Banks and employers may give out an “advance” to people, money ahead of time.

Banks give out loans too. Loan sharks, or is it lone sharks ?

It seems to me that loneliness is created by a lack of real human daily exchanges with other humans and the Earth too. Genuine kindness of kindred spirits. We need to feel our true electromagnetics. Money rich people, such as money magnates, are known for being lonely, maybe because the magnetism they attract in is false, and their exchanges are never genuine, always tainted by money, a false God.

The Earth and humans are filled with natural harmonious electromagnetics that give us our reason and our joy to live and to love, to belong, and to share in the moment. We are diverted by the false magneticism of money.

Magnets can repel as well as attract, and I find money increasingly repulsive, especially money magnates.

(See also earlier posts : Smart Phoney People, Why I Need Money, The Money Less Society, The Queen’s Debt, Jesus and The Taxes, Taxing, Housing Tax, Moon Eye Money, Place Your Bets, Bits of Paper, Unfair Trade)

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Drunk Fruit Flies

There are two interesting things about fruit flies. Firstly, they get drunk, just like humans. Secondly, they are perfect for genetic experiments, just like humans.

I am going to explore the idea that alcohol fuels sex, and has been deliberately introduced into our culture so we can be genetically experimented upon.

Fruit flies are not so dissimilar from humans as you might think. They share with humans 75% of the genes that cause disease… maybe all these diseases are alcohol related. Fruit flies drink alcohol and breed. They have distinctive genetic markers that are easy to observe scientifically, such as different coloured eyes. They are kept in captivity, their breeding controlled, data constantly collected, preferably when they are under general anaesthetic. They are counted, their numbers recorded and analysed. They are fed “a pastey substance called media”, who makes this stuff up ?

I know that fruit flies get drunk because it happens right under my nose. Fruit flies are the flies that you have to keep out of your home made fruit wine by some elaborate equipment, that allows air out of your brew, but stops the fruit fly getting in. Fruit flies are the ones that turn up in their thousands in your compost bin when it is full of fermenting fruit.

So let’s go back in time a little way to an industrial past in England to examine Drunk English men. I am going to take the example of the stone miners of Combe Down in Bath, because that is what I am familiar with, but the same pattern repeats everywhere….

The male industrial workforce is always set up next to a bank and a pub. The bank pays the men, then they get the money all back again at the pub. The remaining time in the man’s 24 hour day is spent in domestic harmony, fucking or hitting the wife and kids, fuelled by alcohol, then into a drunken anaesthetised sleep before work calls again. That’s the industrial tradition. The mines in Combe Down were helpfully connected to the pub cellars so the miners did not need to come up for air inbetween work time and alcohol time. The exhaustion of a day’s work is enough to drive the men to the relaxing temptation of alcohol. Relax ! And once you have had one drink, you want more. Drink and blot it all out. Meanwhile, women had to take in sewing and laundry etc etc, to get money to pay for food for the family, because they got nowt from their men.

You can see that the men were anaesthetised or fired up by alcohol whilst having sex. You can see that the industrial lifestyle of the men made them driven to let out all their PENT up frustration on PENETRATing the wife. And repeating the pattern over and over again… pent up, drink, penetrate, repenetrate, repent, repenter, rape enter. Ad nauseum…

Our modern day TV and internet screens, newspapers and shop windows display the horrors of endless sex and violence. Sex and violence come as a pair. It is well known that violence is often fuelled by alcohol. But the fuelling of a “normal healthy active” sex life with alcohol is a bit more hidden.

I think SEX IS VIOLENCE. Penetration violates some sort of sacred law of nature. And that is why it needs some sort of artificial fuel to drive it, or some sort of numbing of the senses, in order for men and women to go ahead with it.

Penetration provides release from being pent up. It allows a man to let off his industrial steam.

Alcohol is good for letting down your social inhibitions. And nowadays, girls get drunk too. They have to, in order to go ahead with the socially accepted norm of a healthy active sex life. In times gone by, girls were obliged to go ahead without complaint because they had signed up for the marriage deal. Nowadays, alcohol is the method to break down the barrier, and bypass the sacred law.

Alcohol relaxes you, liberates you from pesky social inhibitions. But supposing these social inhibitions are actually our natural defence system against doing something we don’t really want to do ? Something that deep down offends and destroys our soul.

Date rape usually involves alcohol. Here we have sex and alcohol paired up again. Drinks get “spiked” in nightclubs, usually by a man wanting to rape or “spike” the target woman. This is so common, it barely gets reported to police, nor announced by media, yet I know of cases myself. Once the woman is drugged or drunk, she is unable to resist. The man becomes irresistable.

You don’t need to spike the drink though. Alcohol itself is enough to knock down any walls of resistance, and is the most common substance used to spike drinks. Alcohol encourages consent, fuels consent. This is the liberation of women, aided by alcohol.

Roman Tic dinners include alcohol. It doesn’t matter what social strata you belong to, there is pre-sex alcohol available for all. It gets you in the mood, it fires you up, it numbs you, it makes it easy to go ahead with sex.

It is as if alcohol triggers or creates a desire, a mood, a sex drive. A driving force, an industrial work force. The biggest industry on Earth is the Sex industry. To get us all breeding like fruit flies in genetic experiments.

I remember when I was young and away from home, I would get overly drunk to survive social situations, something I deeply regret, and something I talk about to young people today. I hardly touch alcohol now, and my sex life seems to have dropped away with the alcohol, almost like a straight line graph.

At the same time of my life, I briefly studied genetics. And guess what… we used to breed fruit flies all the time. Count them, analyse their eye colours etc, leave them for a few days to breed in an enclosed place, then anaesthetise them so they could be analysed and counted again. And then we could do lots of statistical analysis on the results. Thus you could observe how genetic markers carried through the fruit fly population.

Nearly every Western person seems to have been fed on a “pastey substance called media”, just like the fruit flies. The media that we are fed says that War is violence, but sex is love. The “swinging sixties” says Make Love Not War.

“Swing” parties are sex parties where everyone wife swaps. An orgy in other words. Roman. It’s swinging, it’s free, it’s sexy. It’s hedonsitic. Fuelled by alcohol. I am not sure how anyone could partake without alcohol to aid and abet the industrial scale of sexual activity with any body that’s going free. Get off your head, lose your inhibitions, have fun. It’s not war, is it ? It’s not harmful, is it ?

Maybe fruit flies are the testing ground for genetically engineering humans so that human sexual behaviour and breeding can be controlled.

Like most people, I found alcohol horrible to drink when I first tried it. It’s an acquired taste, and you keep practising so that you can join in socially. After a while, you get to enjoy it, because you are joyning in. You get to crave it. You are told off for spoiling the party if you don’t drink alcohol. You are told off for spoiling the party if you refuse sex. You are told off for being negative, for saying NO.

Alcohol is used in hospital environments to sterilise and anaesthetise. The date rape drug rohypnol is described as an anaesthetic, or hyonotic. Hospitals themselves are sterile and numb and clinical. Sterility is the opposite of fertility. A sterile environment kills off life. Anaesthetic is used to stop us feeling pain, to stop us SENSING. If we agree to a hospital operation in theatre, we sign up for pain, theatrical pain. If we agree to sex, we need anaesthetic to go through with it. I think that penetrative sex is purposeful for creating counting and numbing numbers, but our Sex and Vioence and Alcohol Cult is killing off our soul and spirit. Sex is ironically killing our true life force whilst we are told that sex is essential to create life.

Fruit flies are constantly numbed and sterilised, their breeding controlled via a sterile numbers game called the Sex Game. In genetic experiments, numbers are numbly collected. The fruit flies get categorised and counted for data.

Numbers mean divide and multiply. “Go forth and multiply” is what geneticists tell the fruit flies to do. It is an arithmetic operation, a clinical operation, just like in hospital.

These days, there are lots of things for sale or even given out for free, to enable more free sex and sexual freedom. More swinging sexties ! Viagra is one such product to improve male sex drive. The existence of Viagra tells me that men have as much inhibitions with going ahead with sex as women do, and they need help to joyn in. Viagra acts on “NO” pathways, NO is Nitric Oxide, an “important biological signalling mechanism”. Perhaps Viagra is trying to change the NO signal to a YES signal, by acting on it. Apparently lots of extra NO artificially relaxes you, and is also good for athletes to artificially build up their bodies. But too much becomes an overdose, overdoes it.

If you are a frigid female, (unwilling to let anyone in), or an impotent man, (unwilling to enter in), then you are saying “NO”. You are deemed to have a problem. You are socially inhibited, you are negative. You must be corrected to say “YES”.

Nitrous Oxide, N2O, (NNO) is known as “laughing gas”, and is used for dental and medical operations to numb pain. Relax, laugh, say YES !

We are being fed sex fuel in our daily diets, in the media diet, and in our food. What’s in bread, inbred ? Bread is a pastey pastry substance, Bread and alcohol are both fermented substances. We are high on ferment, in the “firmament on high”. All white flour that is sold in the UK, including organic, contains compulsory additives by law. One such additive is Nicotinic Acid, (otherwise known as “niacin” or vitamin B3). Nicotinic Acid contains N and O. “Feed us this day our daily bread” says The Lord’s Prayer.

Humans are being counted, and observed, our breeding monitored and controlled, as if we are in fruit fly labs. The genes for different colour eyes can be traced using methods such as passport control. Entering and leaving the country is equivalent of transferring a fruit fly from one breeding enclosure to another.

Schools are another data collecting centre, where everyone is counted and observed. In England, an official up-to-date portrait photo is taken of every child every year, supposedly so that parents can buy them and display them on their mantlepiece. Parents are sent home a copy of the photo, labelled “SAMPLE” as if it is hospital data. They are very expensive and even if you don’t buy one, you know someone official has a copy of it somewhere.

Schools are responsible for sex education, it is the best place to train children into the cultural norm and what is expected of them. You can teach them that sex is essential for breeding. You can teach them that this is what they must do to when adult. Schools dumb and numb, and program and train. Schools are enclosed places where kids are counted in and counted out, and a register is taken every hour.

The birth and death register counts people in and counts people out, monitoring the effects of breeding control, and keeping the numbers in each breeding cage up-to-date.

There are many numbing things in our culture. The entire internet digital world is numbers, hence the word “digit”. Digital music is numbing, or painful. It doesn’t have to be alcohol that sterilises and anaesthetises and temporarily relieves our pain, there are plenty of other options and operations available through the pastey substance of media.

So it seems that GOD is a geneticist eugenicist, as well as a Time Lord.

(Earlier related posts : Universe Cities, Capture the Kids, Be Positive, Eyes and The Nose, Ab Use of Sex, Consume Ate, Carbon Currency, His Seminal Work, Quintessentially English, Get Into Pairs, Joined at The Hyp, Match Made in Heaven, In Hospitable, King Cnut, The Lewis Key, Food and Drugs, Keep Up To Date, Get Fit, Dark Satanic Mills, Bits of Paper, Data Money, Time Lord, lots of others)


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