Prudential Prude

A “prude” is someone who is sexually shy or afraid, a “killjoy” a “prig”, a “puritan”, “not forthcoming romantically” etc etc. It is a derogatory word usually applied to a woman who is in some way saying NO to playing the Sex Game, not joining in, or offended or shocked by it. A “prude” is deemed to have a “problem” in our Sex Cult. I am becoming more prudish all the time.

A prostitute is the very opposite of prude.

A liberated woman is a prostitute that is free, costs no money. Liberated means free, in the same way that libraries are liberated because they lend books for free, and thus the books can be used over and over again by many people, getting more worn and tatty all the time.

To be “prudential” is to be careful with money, modest with money, a money prude. As always, money and sex are horribly intertwined.

The word “prude” comes from the Old French word meaning proud. A proud woman holds her head up high and is proud to preserve her inner sanctuary, her womb and its sacred passageway, and to not let any old Tom Dick or Harry into it. Coincidentally, gay men and women are “proud” too. There is a movement labelled “Gay Pride”, as if they are collectively proud that the sacred female womb space is always preserved, protected from invasion.

Victorian women are considered prudish, but there was no contraception available in those days, other than abstinence or “the withdrawal method”. “Withdrawal from sex” describes a prude. Victorian women could Say NO to sex on financial grounds, because they could not afford another mouth to feed. It was prudential to not have sex, it saved money. “I am not a prude, I am just being prudential”. Being prudential is acceptable, being prudish is unacceptable. Saying No to Sex due to financial reasons is not quite the same as being a “proud” woman, you can see that money was already the main influence over whether or not a woman said No, or was allowed to say No, and the proud protectiveness had probably already gone out the window, even back then.

Of course, the Victorian man could overide his chattel of a wife, the wife that he owned, that he had bought with money as his free wife to use forever like free wifi. So the woman could be fat with child, fearing how to make ends meet, with another mouth to feed on the way.

However, there are many different ways to be prudential. Aborting the baby is prudential. It saves money.

When “prude” becomes replaced by its money counterpart “prudential”, anything can happen. Our original morals and values go out the window, and money starts to make the decisions.

To “tighten your belt” is an expression for being careful with money, prudential. It is something we are all instructed to do in an economic recession. I am looking at the words, and they are looking back at me and clearly saying that belt tightening is an abortion method.

The Masonic Belt is my own terminology for the Belt I see everywhere. Look at the Coat of Arms for England, and there it is, forming a CAPITAL “Q” shape around the central shield. Q is for “Queen” and Qunt. A belt was once a tool for whipping, especially whipping children. A belt holds up the trousers of the one in charge, the person who “wears the trousers”. A belt is fastened in place by a hard metal spike that penetrates a soft skin hole in the leather, mimicing the sexual act. To “belt” someone is to beat them. “Belt up” means “Shut up”. Belt up your wife, and that should shut up the baby. To “belt up” in modern day life, means to strap babies into chairs, cars, etc etc, or to belt up adults in cars, a nice waist strap across that pregnant womb should do the trick.

Belting up keeps us “safe and secure” we are told. If you want to be prudential, you keep your money secure in a “safe” or in “securities”. Shut up keep safe.

A proud prude woman will shut up her access to her womb, keep it safe.

A man in times gone by, might put a chastity belt on his wife to lock her up safe and secure. The chastity belt has the added advantage of aborting any unwanted babies by tightening round an expanding waist. They were made of metal. A chastity belt was therefore a good financial investment as it would save mouths to feed. A chaste woman is a prudish woman.

Women used to faint from overly tight corsetry, corsetry designed to create small waists, waists that a baby could not possibly survive in. Nowadays, we have lycra and moulded underwear, tight bras, and flat pack tummies as desirable. That is because we must enter into the Sex Game and not be a prude. Show everyone how willing you are to tighten your belt and be prudential.

I remember David Cameron going on about “Less Waist” before he was elected Prime Minister. It was a time of recession when the country or cuntry was called upon to be prudential, tighten belts. This has gone hand in hand with the rise to fame of a very flat tummied Queen to Be, Princess Kate. It has also gone hand in hand with an attitude towards babies that says women should not have children unless they can afford them. An attitude that says babies are not welcome in the world. An attitude that is creeping towards a One Child Family policy, and then if you only have one child, you will want to get the design absolutely right. Designer babies will be in demand. And abortion will be in demand too.

You can see that Too Much Waste is something that we don’t want, a problem to get rid of, and so is Too Much Waist, which is a woman fat with child. It is quite normal in our times for men to insist on abortions, and for women to want abortions so their life is not ruined by another mouth to feed, and therefore more money to find to pay for it.

Of course, prostitution is a good option for women who want to get money to pay for their extra mouths to feed, either by selling yourself on the High Street, or selling yourself to marriage.

You can see that the rise in consumerism and its attendant waste has gone hand in hand with the rise in free sex, sexual freedom, the waste of life in abortion, and the corresponding demise of the prude.

The modern day media attack on fat people, or obesity, is another version of prudence, and tightening of belts. Mass consumerism, mass sex, leads to unwanted waist and unwanted waste. The evidence is clear before us, hanging at the waist.

The Prudential is a large financial services corporation that specialises in life insurance policies. Which fits in neatly with how being a prude is about being careful about creating new life. Prudential Insurance is about swapping money for life. And that is what we have done over the years. We have swapped our life for money. We have swapped prude for prudential. It is considered prudential to have life insurance. But to be a prude is to protect the sanctity of life, and to keep the creation of life something special.

You can also swap life for money by selling your unwanted baby, as Asian babies are bought, “adopted”, by rich Westerners. Or by breeding a baby deliberately for someone else, as in surrogacy, or in “donating” eggs or sperm, in exchange for some monetary “expenses”.

But back to the “prude” with which I began. There is no place for a prude in a Sex Cult. The very fact that “prude” is a derogatory word shows how Sex Cultish our world is. Noone wants to be labelled a “prude”. But it seems to me that a simpler and much kinder way of life is for both men and women to abstain from invasive sex, with the possible exception of The Act of Creation itself. Surely the act of creation of a new life deserves to be more sacred ?

“Prudential” means being responsible with money, tightening belts when necessary. In the process of becoming “prudential”, we have lost our responsibility towards the health of the womb, and the creation of new life. To me, freedom always comes loaded with its heavy counterpart of “responsibility”. Thus sexual “freedom” must come with “responsibility” too. Sexual responsibility is in the word “prude”, something for both men and women to be proud of.

(See also earlier posts: Henry the Ninth, Through the Wombhole, Joined at The Hyp, Ab Use of Sex, The Lion and The Unicorn, King Cnut, Quintessentially English, Premie Babies, Babies for Sale, Get Fit, Family Farming, Paedophile Agenda, Age of Consent, Burn The Bra, lots of others…)

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11 Responses to Prudential Prude

  1. Nixon Scraypes says:

    I was a teenager in the swinging sixties and felt cheated that free love hadn’t penetrated the small town provinces. All those mini skirts and nipples under tight t shirts had me in a real lather, I was as horny as a billy goat in a pepper patch. I didn’t know about the agenda to destroy the family and have us all defenceless against the State Almighty, I’d probably have thought it was a great idea. That sly old Lord Bertrand Russell and his chums were working on it back in the nineteen twenties pushing pre pubertal sex in special schools to prevent the children bonding in later life. The experiment was obviously a resounding success, actually not an experiment,just proof that what they knew was correct. I bet that old perv was getting stuck in himself,if truth be known. The whole abortion industry,a lucrative one too,is just a recreation of the cult of Baal in which they sacrificed their children by fire so they could keep on having fun fun fun without consequences. And keep slaving for the boss. Societies and civilisations built up and torn down endlessly by the controller’s,rather masonic wouldn’t you say?

    • suliwebster says:

      Thanks for your honesty, Nixon, and you can see how the prevailing culture affects everyone and their expectations. I think that by telling kids they can have sex at 16, it is like saying they can buy alcohol at 16, and some simply see it as their right to demand it, Especially if they have been deprived of genuine touch skin contact when a baby in a cot or pushchair etc etc. The music industry helps whip us up into the satanic sex frequency, as does the accompanying videos, films and images everywhere.Presumably the Moon plays a part too in activating the horny hormones.
      I have been an unwitting participant in my youth (aided by alcohol), as were my swinging fifties parents. Though I have always been slightly puzzled by, and ashamed of, my prudish horror of abortion, which now finally makes sense. I find myself strangely in agreement with Trump, Blair, and the Pope. I have instinctively never liked contraception devices either. As you can see, I do not tick the boxes for a good servicing wife. Similarly, a good husband is supposed to service the woman by providing seed, and if he does not, (even if no child is wanted), he is deemed dysfunctional ! It is all quite a performance, the more I think about it, an ACT.

      Bizarrely, the front page of the Telegraph yesterday had two big headlines, one of them was “PRUE”, (the Prudential is known as The Pru), the other was “KEEP FIT”. It was you that first mentioned the word PRUDENT. I do not think that the Telegraph editor reads my blog, more that there is some sort of global mind, whereby many people are thinking of Prude all at once, possibly because the airwaves are planting the word into us from central control, subliminally. It reminds me of when everyone came into our cafe one day and ordered a florentine. How did that happen ?

  2. Claire says:

    Now, young people are fine if somebody doesn’t want to have sex. There are plenty who say ‘yes’ and there’s the hook up culture. There are films about women and their love lives are kept out of it.
    Before films about women always had them squabbling over men, but not so much now.

    Many people now are opting for child-free living going so far as to have their tubes tied and vasectomies. Doctors hesitate to do it to young, child-free people.

    Contraception and abortion have always been around. Long ago it was the village wise-woman who saw to all that, but the church (anti-abortion) saw to the end of the wise-woman by calling her a witch and burning her at the stake.

    If a women wants an abortion then she will get one, even if it’s a back-street one. It’s her body and she gets to decide what goes in and comes out of her womb. It is bad in cases of female fetuscide, in some parts of the world it’s scary the ratio of men to women. Forced abortions are wrong, but is it right to force a woman to have an unwanted baby? What if it has Down syndrome? 90% of them are aborted so they are not wanted. Now there are people saying to make the Down syndrome test payable, but who wants to pay for the Down baby once it’s born? I am not advocating eugenics, just pointing out that it’s not always as simple as ban abortion, once all these babies are born nobody wants to help and the woman just gets told she should have kept her legs closed.

    I read about a man who like having sex with lots of different women and he was shocked because they all said yes. I don’t know why he was shocked, the women had the same morality as him.

    The pope, Tony Blair and Donald Trump are all male and have no business telling women what to do with their bodies. In fact they only want to control women and it would not surprise me if Donald Trump (Grab ’em by the pussy!) had not asked some women to have an abortion so he doesn’t have to pay for a baby.

    Tony Blair is just trying to show he can be moral, but the Iraq war will never go away. As for the pope, he should keep his rosaries off the ovaries, the church has done so many vile things that abortion is nothing compared to them.

    I agree that it would be better if people went back to loving each other quietly and with dignity, after all, what consenting adults do together is their own business. Btw, I always wanted to know that if penetrative sex is wong what of animals? I know some reptiles can do parthenogensis, but what of other animals. I’ve never heard of a cat or a dog being able to do it. Also male animals like to masturbate, but not female animals, like my male cat, before he got sterilized, used to go mad with stuffed toys, but my female cat, also now sterilized, just used to cry for a tom cat.

    Sorry if I seem to be at odds with your article, but I am just saying that life is more complicated and sometimes difficult and heart breaking decisions have to be made.

    • suliwebster says:

      Hi Claire, I don’t think you are at odds with my article, nor my views on abortion. It is always healthy to have different views anyway. I understand your reaction, I have the same reaction myself to say, “pro-life” groups. I don’t like being judged and told what to do by people who do not know me and my life details, particularly when the subject is my own womanly body.

      I do not want to make any laws about abortion, to regulate over others, nor do I disapprove of women who choose abortion, or women who are forced into it by their men or family. As you say, abortion will happen anyway due to our hostile world, and the difficulty of raising a child in it without money or approval. If we welcomed EVERY baby into the world, and every mother was given support instead of criticism, then noone would want an abortion, and noone would feel any need to make any laws about it. Obviously, that is very idealist, probably unobtainable, but it poses another possibility, an alternative way of thinking to the prevaiing Sex Cult.
      To me, the abortion question is… “What is causing people to demand abortions ? ”

      The three male leaders I refer to are all puppets on stage, two are married with a license to have sex with their wife… but they all profess anti-abortion. I consider abortion to be a horrific act, which reflects the sad state of the Sex Cult world that we live in. It is strange that these three leading men characters preach anti-abortion whilst so many men are keen to use it as a tidy up after the mess they have made.
      Perhaps I differ from the Pro Life campaigners in this respect, who seem to disapprove of the women who choose abortion, and wish to control them, whilst not acknowledging the circumstances that they find themselves in.
      Apparently, in England, working class women are much less likely to abort a baby, than middle or upper class. It shows me how much the prevailing culture influences things.
      There are places in the world where abstinence from sex is normal routine, rather than sex being the routine. I would guess abortion is very minimal, or non existent, in such a culture.

      I don’t think women do always decide what goes into their womb. This too is very complicated. The Westernised prevailing culture still gives a marriage license for sexual relations, I know this from being in court, and finding that it is a failure of contract to not comply willingly. There are many subliminal trade deals going on that mean women trade their womb, for example, to keep hold of the man that supplies the finances and status and approval that is required for raising children.
      I instinctively do not like any medical meddling, including abortion, euthanasia, contraception, sterilisation. Sterilisation is yet another extreme method of body altering for contraceptive purposes, so that everyone can carry on having sex without consequences. Although there are consequences as the population becomes more sterile, body altered, drugged and rubberised in every way. I know women who have chosen to be sterilised to have sex they don’t want, that destroys their soul. Sensuousness, on the other hand is about being very much alive, whilst sterile means killing off all living things.
      Sterilisation and any other contraception becomes unecessary if there is no invasive sex, but it requires both parties within a couple to agree to that abstinence as the norm. The relationship can still be sexual and sensual, and it seems like a very obvious way to avoid all sorts of body editing horrors for those in a position to “choose”. The amount of abortion, contraception, sterilisation going on shows me that behind the scenes, very few people feel they have that choice, or people think it is all worth it in order to have invasive sex. (Like cars are worth it despite how many people and animals are killed and maimed).

      Everything on my blog is my own view, and I hope I have not implied that everyone should do as I say, or laws should be changed. Readers can make their own choices in life. I like to open up more possibilities for people, to show there are more choices available than we are trained to believe, and as you say this is very mixed up with the personal circumstances people find themselves in. I try not to be judgemental of others, but sometimes I probably am.

      Good point about the animals, and I am not sure how that fits in. I do not have any complete answer to anything, only bits. Possibly the animals are just symbols that reflect our own mind and ways. (For example dogs can mean doggy position sex, or man’s best friend). And in particular, domestic animals will behave like domestic humans (getting cancer, being housed and farmed, clothed and collared, fed chemicals, sterilised, vaccinated, microchipped etc etc..), because domestication is a culture in itself.

  3. Nixon Scraypes says:

    I found much to agree with in both points of view. One seems to be looking through the present situation to the real eternal nature of being (sounds crap but it’s the nearest I can get to saying what I mean ) and the other is coping with the present. The mention of films made me think about the complete weaponisation of all the arts,they’re just there for psychic driving and have been for thousands of years. John Dee, Elizabeth 1’s spymaster, who’s code name was 007,had his agents collect folk songs and tales and then alter and reintroduce them to CHANGE THE PAST. Believe half you see and nothing you read or hear. The manufactured reality is so detailed and complete.

  4. Claire says:

    Thanks for not calling me evil for my views on abortion. What’s strange about those men is that they support war and mass killing regardless of who is being killed but they’re against abortion. The pope (poop) doesn’t do war but his church (and other churches) sure do a lot of abuse. I always get the impression that the church is against abortion because it’s less children for them to abuse.

    I think adults will have sex regardless, it’s just wrong when it involves cohersion or children. You’re on to something when you say that the population is becoming more drugged and rubberised, it’s all heading to transhumans and it’s horrible. I am not sure if nature will allow it, it just is too much of a fantasy and far removed from reality and it makes people so unhappy. It’s also killing the world what with all the species that are being wiped out and the extreme weather.

    Animals are mentioned. They have the ability to absorb their fetuses when life gets too tough to bring young into it. Maybe women used to be able to do this along with parthogenosis.

    I’ve known 2 women who’ve had an abortion. One because she took anti-biotic when she was unknowingly pregnant. She was married with 2 children and felt it was wrong to bring a disabled child into the world as it would interfere with her bringing up of the 2 children she already had. Anti-biotics make the baby deaf and mentally challenged. She went on to have more healthy children.

    The other woman I know was over 50 and a grandmother. She and her new husband felt too old to be parents.

    I believe in the power of the mind and I think the ability to get pregnant or not depends on how much a woman wants to or not. This doesn’t mean sleeping around, though perhaps some people need the experience so they can see the effects of it 1st hand. It just means the ability to get a better balanced familty.

    • suliwebster says:

      I think almost everyone is anti abortion at heart. What is argued over like a hot potato, is whether or not abortion shoud be legal, which is politics. Politics, as usual, becomes a smokescreen, a football match, a show, an arena, theatricks, a distraction, which divides and conquers.

      The political show is blasted at us constantiy, and creates a climate of approval and disapproval to a ridiculous detail, whereby we all go around judging each other. This might be what “climate change” is really about.

      We are so accustomed to political arguments that we lose our truth.

      Yes, Nixon I agree, the past has been meticulously edited, and only fragments of truth remain. I like to think I can trace fragments through the hand me down language. Orwell said something like the past is only what we all agree it to be….. like “accepted fact”. Orwell decribed the “speak write” past editor, which is now known as wikipedia. The past is constantly being updated !

      • Claire says:

        I agree, politics is just a distraction from what’s really going on, and the world would be much better without abortion. In fact while Trump distracts with his antics, some nasty things have been approved in America. Like searching suspects homes without a warrant, only in the Washington DC area for now, but later for the rest of the country, Also there’s the no-compete law, which affects workers but not executives.

        The past is also made up to suit the present. I’ve seen that the pyramids and the Sphinx could well be fake. The Sphinx’s headgear was changed and its paws rebuilt. Now lots of alien-looking figures are being discovered in what are being passed off as ancient artifacts. The whole thing is just to pass the transhuman agenda and say that aliens are real. Aliens are fake and I don’t believe anybody came from space, or that people are told the truth about space. It’s best to get on with life and be kind, though that can be sometimes difficult.

      • suliwebster says:

        The aliens seem to me to present something to have another war with, to be frightened of. One united world against the alien invasion. But the real problem of aliens are the aliens within us, the way we live that is alien to our kind nature, our nature of kindred and (as you say) being kind.

  5. Claire says:

    Yes, life does get more alien every day. It was Ronald Reagan who thought the world would unite against an alien invasion. Him and Gorbachev were wiling to suspend the cold war if the aliens invaded. Apparently RR saw a ufo while flying about California in a private jet.

    Btw have you seen all the blokes being arrested for having child sex dolls? Look it up and read the comments were there are some.

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