Centre for Exploiting Missing Children

The Centre for Exploiting Missing Children is a slight rename of ICMEC (The International Centre of Missing and Exploited Children). I think my name reflects their activities better.

This centre is set up for the elites by the elites, and it is a system to support the international elite paedophile ring. It pretends to be helping missing kids, but this is a cover story in order to fund it, and in order to expand their activities. If it’s in full public view, they can make it as big and expansive as they like, have really big meetings, all in a very good disguise as philanthropists.

You can go on their website and do a search of a child. You type in the sex and location of the child you are after. You get back a set of pictures, and some information about the child, including the nicknames they may answer to, and their current age, so you can choose one. It is like a huge scale Internet brothel providing children. If you want to support it, you can donate money.

Their mission statement on their website explains what their aims are. “Establishing global resources”, “promoting the creation of operational centers worldwide”, “building an international network to disseminate images of and information about missing and exploited children”. This is all about setting up a huge scale operation internationally to hold all the missing children on databases with all their details, and traffik them as required.

But it doesn’t stop there. Just in case anyone stumbles upon some evidence, they need to control all the law agencies, and the well meaning people who get involved in child protection agencies. So they also provide “training” for law enforcement, prosecutors, judges etc, and advocate and propose changes in the laws worldwide. They are changing the law systems to suit their own ends, and they need the law people in their control.

They also want to eradicate commercial child pornography from the Internet, but it doesn’t mention anything about being eradicated off the Internet. And it doesn’t mention non commercial exchanges either. They also want to “increase cooperation and collaboration between and among countries”. This means making child abuse completely global without opposition from anywhere.

The board is made up of many senior bankers, Microsoft personnel, corporate directors and chairmen, a US senator, a former president of Belgium, Chairman of a space systems company, and includes a “Former U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography”. That says it all, someone who has a history in the Sale of Children. I am sure they are all experts on missing children and child exploitation, because they are the ones that run the whole racket, and perform the abuse. They are nearly all major world elite players, and not the sort of people you would really expect to care about kids. In fact they are the sort of people who are known for their exploitation, and that is how they have got to be rich and powerful.

The Honorary Board is female and made up of the wives of presidents and Queens, including the Queen of Belgium, a major centre for EU paedophilia, which is why the EU is headquartered there.

Rome, Cairo, and Washington are the three places that have had big meetings, where Declarations have been made. That fits well with where there are concentrations of global power. The Vatican is a major centre of paedophilia. For some reason, the Vatican has a law about the age of sexual consent, which was recently raised from 12 to 14, even though the Vatican claims to be entirely populated by celibate men. So why is this law needed, and why is the age so low, and do they respect the law anyway?

There are similar missing children centres in many countries, and they are all set up in the same way. The symbology on the UK one is not encouraging. CEOP have copyright of the site and their symbol is an eye on top of a pyramid, the Cult of the All Seeing Eye. The helpline number is 116 0000. That’s 911 upside down. There is a button that asks if you are thinking of running away. Talk to the nice strangers at Missing Kids UK, and they will take your details. Then you can be targeted. The Childline number is 1111. That’s an Illuminati number, the perimeter of the square mile (London, Jerusalem). There is a directory of people you can turn to in your area, supposedly people you can trust.

It is laughable that the government advise kids not to give out their personal details online, the exact same details that are displayed on the missing children’s websites, without the consent of the child.

The US Centre NCMEC was the model for the international ICMEC based in Belgium. Its core mission is “serving America’s missing and exploited children”. What does “serving” mean exactly? It sounds like they have them captured at the centre, and they are “serving” them. For dinner, for sacrifices, sexually “serving” them? Following the trail of corruption back to the origins of ICMEC, I find that NCMEC Board of Directors authorized the creation of ICMEC. Why did they need to authorise it? ICMEC was launched at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. So the UK and the US global powers are right behind ICMEC. Hilary Clinton and Cherie Blair were at the launch. The Clintons and the Tony Blair are known to be a big part of the global paedophile ring.

The reaction to the current publicity on child abduction will be a cry of “Something must be done”. That something is not an international network of exploitation centres. Neither is it an imprisoning of children in homes, cars and schools, for their own safety. The international paedophiles must be exposed, and their awful activities brought out into the light. The only way through this is to keep searching for the truth, and bring it to light.

Mission statement: http://www.icmec.org/missingkids/servlet/PageServlet?LanguageCountry=en_X1&PageId=1222

Board members: http://www.icmec.org/missingkids/servlet/PageServlet?LanguageCountry=en_X1&PageId=1225


See The Tap Blog for further info exposing the global elites as paedophiles: http://the-tap.blogspot.co.uk/

(See also earlier posts: Body Experiments, How to Steal a Child, Another 911, Don’t Believe What You Read)

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13 Responses to Centre for Exploiting Missing Children

  1. Mike says:

    Regarding the Vatican, that is not the age of sexual consent but is the age they allow marriage since in some cultures people get married that low (it is 16 for boys and 14 for girls). It has nothing to do with general sexual consent since fornication is a mortal sin. Please do some research before posting such nonsense, it makes you lose credibility.

  2. suliwebster says:

    The checks that I have come up with on age of consent don’t specifically state marriage. I haven’t checked the wording of the law itself, which is what would be required to be 100% factually accurate. Sex is a major feature of marriage, and anyone of age 14 who is being married off (or 12 as it was not that long ago) is most likely being coerced into the marriage, and therefore sex. They probably don’t get to give their consent within the marriage. Once married, consent is assumed.
    Either way, it is still a pretty strange law to have in The Vatican where there is supposedly no sex. Though of course there have been plenty of scandals about the Vatican to do with child sexual abuse.
    I don’t really care about my credibility. Most of what I write is incredible to most people. I am not claiming to write 100% facts. If I did that, I would get out about one post every month, too laborious. I just like to open up people’s minds to the possibilities of the truth by looking at things differently, joining them up differently. If anyone wants to do further research, based on what I write, that’s great!
    Whatever or whoever you read, it’s always best to form your own view anyway, I think. See my earlier post Don’t Believe What You Read.

  3. suliwebster says:

    I just had another look at NCMECs website which makes me feel sick. Here is one of their fantastic achievements: “NCMEC reviewed 17.3 million images of suspected child pornography in 2011 – four times more than 2007”. Viewing such images is the behaviour of paedophiles of course, and in order to create such images, children have to be abused. They are explaining quite clearly on their own website that they are paedophiles. The expression “child pornography” is a giveaway too, as if child abuse is just another harmless hobby like looking at adult porn, for sale in all good family high street newsagents.

  4. Reblogged this on Punishment without Crime and commented:
    Just add to this the two All Party Parliamentary Groups, headed by Edward Timpson MP who report that 10,000 children go ‘missing’ every year…

  5. Reblogged this on Musings of a Penpusher and commented:
    There must be no hiding place for those who promote the trafficking of children.

  6. Have also reblogged on Musings of a Penpusher as I feel very strongly that trafficking children is an abhorrent crime. The naming and shaming of all who participate is the least we can do – for as long as we can do so.

  7. Jessica says:

    Ingrid, if the FBI is still looking for you or law enforcement has a warrant out for your arrest due to custodial interference, then the NCMEC has to keep your case up. I recently found a girl, alive and well with her mother in another country. Her American father had even gone to the country and tried to snatch the girl off the street. The authorities in that country had decided against returning the child to the US. Her case is still up even though all that is going on. It’s up because of the fbi involvement and the warrant. When those get cancelled, her case will be removed.

  8. Leo says:

    PizzaGate is PedophileGate? 😮

  9. suliwebster says:

    I will remove all your comments and edit related ones with your name, when I am next on internet (within a week).
    I would like to select some extracts from your comments to put in a new anonymous summary comment, but only if you are happy for me to do so, please let me know if this is ok with you.
    I am glad to hear you have got to a place of resolution with this.

  10. suliwebster says:

    Several comments have been removed from this post at the request of the author, and any related comments, due to her oersonal involvement with the NCMEC organisation.

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